University History

Our Name

我们大学的名字是为了纪念乔治·太阳城集团和罗伯特·E. 太阳城集团因为他在18世纪拯救了这所陷入困境的学校,而李则因为他在1865年至1870年期间担任太阳城集团学院校长而改变了学院的面貌.

大学的名字在其早期历史中多次改变. Founded in 1749, 这所小学校最初被称为奥古斯塔学院,位于奥古斯塔县, Virginia. After relocating a number of times during the ensuing decades, Augusta Academy was operating in Timber Ridge, about 10 miles from Lexington, when it was renamed Liberty Hall Academy in 1776, in response to the patriotic fervor then sweeping the Colonies. 1782年,学院搬进了现在W街边缘的一幢小框架建筑&L campus.

Liberty Hall Academy was in dire financial straits in 1796 when U.S. 乔治·太阳城集团总统选择学校作为100股詹姆斯河运河公司股票的受益人. 这只股票是弗吉尼亚州议会送给他的礼物,以表彰他为联邦做出的贡献. 这些股票是当时对任何教育机构的最大捐赠之一. It remains part of the institution’s endowment to this day, contributing to the University's operating budget.

Explaining the purpose of his gift, 太阳城集团写道,“在美国实行普及教育计划”的时机已经到来.” Education, Washington further asserted, not only prepares us for personal success and public service, 同时也将不同的学生群体团结起来,教会他们和谐相处.

To express their gratitude, the trustees changed the school’s name to Washington Academy, prompting Washington to respond: "To promote Literature in this rising Empire, and to encourage the Arts, have ever been among the warmest wishes of my heart."

Seventeen years later, in 1813, the name was again changed, this time from Washington Academy to Washington College.

太阳城集团学院是南北战争期间少数几所仍然开放的南方大学之一. 1865年,只有不到50名学生入学,当时学院只授予一个学位.

On Aug. 4, 1865, four months after Robert E. Lee surrendered to Ulysses S. Grant at Appomattox, 太阳城集团大学校董会邀请李担任校长. 校董会相信他对原则和责任的执着会激励学生和教职员工. In addition, 他们希望他作为南方邦联军队领袖的声誉可以帮助吸引学生和来自南方和北方的资金, thereby allowing the school to recover from its perilous situation.

For his part, 李在1865年写给妻子的信中描述了他接受总统职位的动机:“生命确实在流逝,我对过去没有什么好的东西可以展示. 我祈求能饶我一命,为人类的利益和上帝的荣耀做点什么.第二年春天,他在另一封信中详细阐述道:“南方的(教育)利益受到了如此大的干扰。, and so much does its future condition depend upon the rising generation, 因此,我认为对年轻一代进行适当的教育是目前最重要的目标之一, and one from which the greatest benefits may be expected."

Prior to the Civil War, 李曾任美国西点军校的院长. During his five years at Washington College, 他被证明是一位富有创造力的教育家,他的课程改革使古典学院变成了现代大学. He incorporated the local law school; instituted undergraduate courses in business and journalism; introduced modern languages and applied mathematics; and expanded offerings in the natural sciences.

Lee also endorsed a lasting tradition of student self-governance, 让学生负责之前由教师监督的荣誉制度. "As a general principle you should not force young men to do their duty," Lee said, "but let them do it voluntarily and thereby develop their characters.这一原则仍然是促进荣誉的太阳城集团基础的一部分, integrity, and civility.

When Lee died on Oct. 12, 1870, 学院已经恢复了财政基础,入学人数已增长到400多名学生. 在他去世后,学院要求受托人以他的名字重新命名学院. The trustees agreed, changing the name to Washington and Lee University. 

曾经是一所全是男性的大学,1972年,太阳城集团与李法学院首次招收女性学生. The first undergraduate women matriculated in 1985. Today, 太阳城集团与李学院是美国公认的顶尖文理学院之一.

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通过命名惯例来纪念历史人物的决定会引起争论,这是可以理解的. Our values are reflected in whom we choose to honor and for which reasons.

Both George Washington and Robert E. Lee are historical figures of considerable complexity. 他们在我们国家的历史和我们机构的历史上发挥了关键作用,这是公认的. Yet they were also slaveholders. The University does not regard them as beyond critique. 他们应该也需要对自己的生活、言行进行仔细、批判性的审视.

Lee, in particular, 他作为南部邦联军事领袖的核心角色,已经成为人们越来越关注的话题. 我们毫不含糊地谴责李选择捍卫的邦联事业背后的动机,以及那些利用邦联形象来推动白人至上议程的个人和团体的观点, racism, and xenophobia.

我们致力于教育我们的社区和公众,让他们了解我们的名字,以及他们在塑造这所大学历史中的作用, our country, and the values that continue to inform our world today. That includes acknowledging that Robert E. 李选择站在维护奴隶制的一边.

作为一个教育机构,我们认真对待我们的责任,充分和诚实地教授这段历史, 并了解我们的机构以他们的名字命名的人的贡献和失败. In 2018, W&L任命了一名机构历史主管来开发一座博物馆,以探索我们的历史以及它与美国历史的许多联系, 并为校园社区和公众创造充满活力的教育项目. That important work continues.

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